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✨Cacao & Sound Full Moon in Aries ✨

Aries is an energetic zodiac sign, so we can feel motivated to act by our feelings. Paired with the full moon, this is a powerful combination because full moons can make us emotional so we can get to the bottom of everything. These feelings can inspire us to take action. At the same time, it is important to slow down during this full moon and not act impulsively on our feelings.
A sound meditation is a wonderful way to give space to all emotions and at the same time take the time to integrate everything accordingly.

That’s why we should ALL connect to our feelings this FULL MOON!

You need to get your dose of ceremonial Cacao BEFORE the event! You can get it from your supplier or GET YOUR CACAO HERE and use Code ALIZZ for 10% off! You need 25-30 g for one portion. If you are doing a Cacao Ceremony for the first time it is totally fine to start with 20 g or less!

Learn How to Prepare Your Cacao HERE

MAMA CACAO is a perfect catalyst for this process as it opens up the Heart physically and energetically! It helps us to dive deeply within into ourselves. We are allowed to also face ALL the EMOTIONS and start by talking with ourselves in a gentle and loving way. Practices in this ceremony will strengthen this bonding with ourselves and others.

  • We will explore the sign TAURUS and its effects on this FULL MOON and do some special energetic practices.

  • We will learn to become comfortable with the dark parts of us. Welcome and love them and let them go if they don’t serve us anymore. We will practice self-love and -compassion towards us and all beings.

  • Breathing techniques and other tips by Medical Doctor Lisa will enhance the experience and bring you closer to where you want to look at. 

  • Furthermore we will practice voice exercises to open up our throat so we can speak up and communicate our truth!

  • Lisa will enforce all exercise with her knowledge and science background so you understand not only with your heart but also with your mind why such practices like breath, voice and sound in general are so beneficial to your overall health. 

  • In the end we will all relax into a soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Meditation with the beautiful Akasha Bowls®

  • Recording will be sent to you afterwards and it will be available for the next 24 hours.

Sound can bring balance, relaxation and a sense of wholeness to the body. The sound of harmonic vibrations created by singing bowls, gongs and other overtone-emitting instruments are intended to stimulate the alpha and theta brain waves.  These waves are associated with deep meditative and peaceful states that are highly conducive to healing.  Sound can also slow down the heart and respiratory rate, creating a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. 


  • The ability to quiet the mind

  • Release of undesirable thought structures and habits

  • Considerable diminishment of anxiety and depression

  • Access to inner peace and calm

  • Increased self-confidence and ability to connect to others

  • Enhanced ability to listen and pay greater attention to details

  • Access deep states of relaxation

  • Relieve stress

  • Quiet the mind

  • Cultivate inner peace and calm

  • Recovery from insomnia and poor sleep

  • Enhance dreams and meditation practice

  • A private access link for the recording will be sent to you with your RSVP!

  • You can experience this class whenever you would like, as many times as you would like!

  • You are invited to use the recording of this sound healing as a part of your daily meditation practice for the week to come!

What you need for a PERFECT VIRTUAL Sound Meditation experience:

  1. Electronic device (phone or laptop e.g.)

  2. A quiet space where you can comfortably sit or lay down and where nobody disturbs you

  3. Headphones with a good quality

  4. An eye mask can be an additional treat

  5. Your favorite crystals, sacred objects, or candles to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation

  6. Comfy clothes

which you can download and rewatch anytime! <3

So excited to have you! 

Sound Blessings,
Doc Lisa