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  • Traum München 65 Amalienstraße München, BY, 80799 Deutschland (Karte)

The Spring Equinox, or the ‘vernal equinox’, which is considered astronomically to mark the first day of Spring. This year in the northern hemisphere the Spring or Vernal Equinox falls on Friday, the 20th March. The equinox marks the day when day and night are the same lengths all over the world, with the word equinox literally meaning equal night‚in Latin.

The spring equinox marks the change of the seasons and as the northern hemisphere begins to tilt towards the sun, our days start to get longer and our nights shorter.

Come let go of all that no longer servers you and manifest the life you want! Spring is a time for rebirth. It is a time celebrate new beginings. It is a powerful me to set intentions and manifest your deepest heart's desires. Winter is a great time for going inwards, resting, hibernating, and taking time to recharge, but at some point you feel ready to be outside again, moving around more, getting projects moving. This is a time of renewal and light, a time where the energy is moving from an inner state to an outer state. There is a lot of outward energy guiding us and encouraging us to get out there and express ourselves.

Harness the energy of the transitioning time from winter to spring with a releasing and cleansing ceremony, explore the space between reality and dreams, dive into your subconscious mind and release and let go. Prepare yourself for this time of new beginnings, new growth, and a fresh new start.


First we are going to MOVE our bodies to Alizz electronic beats. 

Dancing is a form of therapy which can help us connect to ourselves and to others. We embrace connection, expression of feelings, openness and positivity. By engaging our senses and listening to our bodies, we connect to others and enter a consciousness that goes beyond our own. With electronic beats release tensions, let it all out and express yourself through motion! 


This nothing like your normal yogic breath. It is called breath-work for a reason. The specific technique supports a deep release on the physical, mental, emotional & energetic level. In other words, passed stored trauma, old thought patterns & beliefs and anything that is holding you back from fully stepping into your power, can be brought to the surface, to your awareness through breathwork. The breathing technique is easy, but don't let it fool you, it is powerful! 

Most people describe it as the most freeing and empowering experience they have had in a long time. They feel more themselves and so much lighter!


In a Crystal Bowl Sound Bath, we can relax our minds and reach that timeless place where we might find our natural peaceful state of harmony. This process is similar to meditation or other types of relaxation. These high frequencies help “reset” our bodies to a balanced state by bringing coherence to each and every one of our cells. The best ist, that in a Sound Bath it's so easy to relax and let go, the vibrations and sounds have an effect on our mind and body on the deepest level. A Sound Bath is like a deep, energetic massage for our body, mind and spirit. The body becomes weightless you float. The emotional, physical and mental self finds its own natural state of balance again. Deep relaxation, regeneration, and healing can be experienced.

To the frequencies of the bowls also the frequencies of the alchemies (gemstones, rare minerals, precious metals) of the bowls will have an effect on you and support your wellbeing. 


+ Wear comfortable clothing, bring maybe an eye pillow

+ Bring your Crystals, Jewellry... anything you want to charge 

+ We will start at 8.30 pm (please come 10 min earlier)

+ come hydrated ( a sound bath is like a little detox so drink enough) 

+ English and German (we always do both on request) 

Can't wait to meet you! 

Love & Gratitude, 
