Sound Healing Instruments - Our Spiritual Teachers
A few days ago I included the saying in my post:
"Detachment is NOT that you own nothing, detachment is that nothing owns you."
And it is the same with our beautiful Sound Healing Instruments and Crystal Bowls.
Yes, they are beautiful and we choose them and they come to us for a very specific reason. But in the same way, they can also leave us every day by being stolen or broken.
And also this always has its purpose and thus the crystal singing bowls very often want to communicate something to us!
Now it is up to us to feel this deeper meaning and to practice "non-attachment".
2 days after I found out that I’m pregnant, one of my favorite AkashaBowls® broke. A thousand splinters - nothing happened to me at all.
And in the first moment I was shocked, angry, sad. However, I immediately sat down, took a deep breath and went inside myself. Immediately the message of my Crystal Bowl was there: EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE! A new phase of life begins and this singing bowl was allowed to go, so that something new may arise. I am allowed to stay in the primal trust that everything is good and everything happens for me.
After this realization I could not be angry or sad at all, I had a smile on my face. - Thank you dear Bee Spirit AkashaBowls® bowl for your wisdom <3
I’m looking forward to this new stage of life and am already very busy recording and creating pregnancy sound meditations. If you are interested, or know someone who is, feel free to email me at and I'll put you on the waiting list to hear when these meditations are ready!
You want to learn more about how you can combine sound with other healing methods or learn more about sound healing, crystal singing bowls and sound meditation in general? Then find out now about one of my certified Sound Healing trainings at the Sound Medicine Institute Germany. It offers online and face-to-face trainings worldwide.