Take part in the 3 hour Workshop.
You will get an on demand video, you can watch whenever you want.


You always have been fascinated by Sound and its power to transform and heal?
But you are not quite sure if it is the right thing that you want to work with?

To get Crystal Bowls and other high vibrational instruments needs cash.
So before we really do an investment that big, we really want to be sure it is the right thing to do and our HEART really beats for it.

That’s why Lisa created this 1 day Online Workshop. 

So no matter where you are at you can just jump in and gain valuable knowledge about SOUNDHEALING and SOUNDTHERAPY and consequently see how you feel about it and if this is what you really would LOVE to work with or use simply for your own journey.

Deciding to work with SOUND is a feeling. A longing. A connection. It’s something that is calling you and that cannot be described with words. Once you feel it, you know it.

EXPLORE the BASIC PRINCIPLES of sound meditation & sound healing, including usage of your own voice and sonic tools to incorporate into your personal meditation practice. Discover the therapeutic power and science of sound and music to transform consciousness and improve well-being. 

Lisa Schuster is a Medical Doctor, Speaker, Yoga & Sound Therapist whose mission it is to spread the POWER of SOUND all over the world.


The 1 Day Online Sound healing workshop includes:

✨ Sound Meditation & Therapy

✨ Science

✨ Preperations



  • What is Sound Meditation and Sound Therapy? What is the difference?

  • What are Crystal Sound Bowls and Tibetian Bowls and how do they work? 

  • How to meditate with Sound and developing a daily routine

  • How Chakras and Sound are related

  • The Power of Intentions 

  • When shouldn’t I use Sound?

  • What are essential parts of a good Sound healing session?

  • How to play Sound Bowls correctly

  • Voice Exercise


  • Why Sound has been used for thousands of years and why it is so powerful

  • How Sounds effect the body, mind and spirit 

  • Our Nervous System & Sound

  • The physical and mental benefits of Sound Meditation


  • How to create a safe space for healing and transformation?

  • How can I find my instruments or sound bowls?


  • training and guidance with all the knowledge about Sound Meditation

  • manual with detailed infos and resources

  • Group Sound Meditation Session by Lisa at the end of the workshop



Only 88€

Please note: If you can’t afford this price right now due to your current situation but want to learn about Sound please reach out so we can find a solution! <3