How can Meditation & hence Sound Healing help a conventional medical treatment to improve?

Yesterday I saw a documentary about the research in the field of meditation. 

It completely blew my mind. As a medical student and being interested in this field, I’ve already gained a lot of knowledge regarding this area but new researches show that meditation is even more important in the process of healing and restoring than we thought! 

It definitely should be part of any patient’s process of dealing with acute or chronic diseases. Studies show that by practicing meditation and mindfulness every day only 20 minutes the patient can tune into themselves and observe how their symptoms change, if the medication works, if side effects occur and by this communicate with their doctor to get best results in the treatment. 

That definitely shows how important it is to practice awareness to be able to take control over ones very own healing processes and empower oneself. We often forget that the first step of healing is to take over responsibility! 

In this case meditation helps to rise body awareness, an important factor in getting to know ourselves and the needs of our bodies and souls!

And that is why Sound Healing and Sound Medicine can be used to achieve the same (and maybe even better effects!)

Sound Healing is an effortless way to get into a deeper state of meditation and therefore it might be more accepted by patients struggling with meditation in the first place. 

My goal is to spread this knowledge and make these healing modality more accessible. 

In my practice with clients and patients I saw daily enormous results by using Crystal Singing Bowls and other Sound Healing instruments from the field of Sound Medicine that help to lower down brainwaves and reset the nervous system by triggering the relaxation response.

Have you tried Sound Healing already? Do you have a loved one that is suffering from a disease and needs to hear about this? 

You can try a Sound Bath Meditation with Crystal Singing Bowls here online with me, just click the link below to get more information!


Doc Lisa

Lisa Schuster