How can Sound Medicine help me deal with emotions?

Emotions are „energy in motion“ they just want to be felt and moved within our system.

As Rumi said each emotion is a guest in our guesthouse (our system) and we should welcome each guest in the same welcoming way. And as it is common with guests they come and go. And so do emotions do. It is about us how we receive them and what we learn from them during their stay and after they left.

Sound Medicine and Sound Healing with its pure and subtle, sometimes stronger vibrations can help to move emotions within our system. Especially emotions that are stuck in certain parts of the body (especially certain muscle like the Psoas and Trapezius are well known for being „emotional“ muscles that store emotions and get tense very easily because of this).

That’s why it can happen that a Sound Meditation / Sound Healing can bring up emotions so they can be felt again. Because that is what emotions are there for.

The sounds being produced in a Sound Meditation, especially by Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs and Tibetan Bowls have the potential to touch us deeply and strengthen the connection within. By connecting to our intuition and higher wisdom we can get very emotional and at the same time accepting of what is.

Sound Medicine or Sound Healing helps with creating body-awareness through the subtle sounds which will help us begin to step into „feeling“ rather than analysing. The more we practice and go to Sound Meditations or listen at home and the more we do certain exercises with the breathe and voice that create sounds and vibrations within our system the more we will be able to re-connect. By connecting more with our body and strengthen our body awareness we will intuitively feel when emotions come up and be able to enjoy the beauty of them.

By connecting to something greater than we are through Sound Meditation we can feel and see the bigger picture and grasp that we are part of everything there is. This often leaves us in awe and helps us to connect to our essence and therefore our emotions because in the end emotions are part of the human experience.

Lisa Schuster