Using Intentions Correctly in Sound Healings

Everything is energy and so our thoughts are also a form of energy. Every thought has a certain frequency and vibration. In the famous water experiments of Dr. Emoto from Japan it was clearly shown that thoughts correlated with mindfulness, gratitude and love, created the perfect harmony in the crystalline structure and therefore have a special frequency that harmonizes our whole system. It works similarly with an intention. We tune our whole system to a certain vibration by actively setting an intention before we give a sound meditation to others, or receive it for ourselves.

The instruments, especially the AkashaBowls® crystal singing bowls, act as a catalyst for our intentions because they are made of pure quartz, which can focus and amplify energies. This is why I always point out the INTENTION in my work with Sound Healing. You can have the best quality of your instruments, if your energy and intentions are not for the highest good of all beings, your work will not be as fruitful and effective as it would be with a set intention.

Another important point is the power of visualization for your own practice, but also during a session with clients. Especially in a 1:1 session, you can direct your intention and visualization right at the person's problem and send healing and light.

If you are just starting out, I would suggest that you always visualize an energy that comes from love and vibrates for the highest good of the person! (Maybe it's not the right time for that person to heal or make a big change, maybe symptoms need to worsen for the person to gain deeper insight, we never know what the person needs most right now! Therefore, it is best to ALWAYS focus only on the highest good at that moment).

By intention, in the field of Sound Medicine, we mean the directed energy we put into our work with Sound Medicine and Sound Healing.

Jonathan Goldmann has developed a formula that aptly describes working with sound and intention:

Sound + Intention = Healing

You should always keep this phrase in mind as one of your guiding principles!

Would you like to dive deeper into this topic or learn more about Sound Healing, crystal singing bowls and sound meditation in general? Then find out now about one of my certified Sound Healing trainings at the Sound Medicine Institute Germany. It offers online and face-to-face trainings worldwide.

Recently I came across a product that can help you set intentions and always remember them. Every beginning is hard, but once setting intentions becomes a habit for you and others, you will do it automatically! The Capskeeper can help you with this, because you always carry your intention with you and so you are reminded of it every day and can connect to it several times a day!

If you are interested in the Capskeeper then follow the link directly to the shop and enter the code: SOUNDBYALIZZ when ordering.

Lisa Schuster