AkashaBowls® 432 Hz BEE SPIRIT Crystal Singing Bowl – 8 INCH

AkashaBowls® 432 Hz BEE SPIRIT Crystal Singing Bowl – 8 INCH

788,00 €

„Life is a sweet thing.“

Sometimes we tend to see only the bitterness of this world. So much anxieties, anger, frustration and exhaustion is happening all around us. It’s easy to forget that life has so many other different sides. The Bee spirit reminds you of these sweet parts. Bees work throughout their life, living their purpose in every moment and creating so much life while they do this and the result is the definition of sweetness. The Bee spirit reminds you to stay on your path, enjoy the path, taste every sweet spot of it. Like this you will get your goals the sweetest things of all.

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