How can Sound Medicine help me find my purpose?

That's a question I get asked a lot! Maybe you have already listened to one or the other podcast with me, where I talk about how much sound and sounds, sound healing, sound medicine, sound meditation, sound therapy, singing bowl therapy (or whatever you want to call it ;) has helped me to find a deeper meaning in life and to live my soul path. Fully and completely. Authentically. With the heart, also with the mind. When you are on your soul path, you simply notice that everything flows, that you can bring all your gifts into the world and also do something good with them. You may think that sounds too good to be true. To do what I LOVE, what suits me and to earn money with it...

Yes, I thought like that too, especially because I felt trapped in my medical studies. I didn't really see a way out at first, because after medical school you have to be a doctor in a hospital. It's required and you have to stick to it, otherwise you won't be loved and acknowledged.

And this feeling of being loved and acknowledged is what every human being wants, it's one of our primal instincts.

At first I didn't know how to get out of it, so I just carried on and "functioned", just as it was required. But my body quickly showed me through various symptoms, that this was not my path.

Through detours I found my way back to music and sounds.

Sounds touch deeply, very deeply, deeper than one can imagine. And through this deep touch, you suddenly feel yourself again, you feel your own "essence", as I always like to say. And this connection back to our "roots", to who we REALLY are, is exactly WHAT touches us so deeply. We are touched by the simplicity and connectedness that our essence brings.

Sounds and especially those of crystal singing bowls open this space and hold it, one can feel safe, secure, accepted and loved. A deep relaxation can occur and it is precisely these high vibrational emotions, that enable this access to ourselves again. For it is from this state of connectedness and love that we come from, and I am sure that is where we will go again in the end.

Life is only a constant reminder of this state, the more we can reconnect with this state, the more we can find our true BEING and thereby our destiny. Our TRUE BEING shows us EVERYTHING, be it in the form of feelings, images, voices, colours, this can be very individual and also constantly changing.

The most important thing, however, is to get involved with it. To live one's own personal soul path is everyone's birthright and I have made it my mission through Sound Medicine with crystal singing bowls and other highly vibrating instruments to make it possible, for as many living beings as possible, to come back into contact with their essence.

Because every single one is needed in its full radiance and in its full power here and now!

If you also want to use the power of the singing bowls (AkashaBowls® - handmade crystal singing bowls) on a daily basis to get back into a deeper contact with yourself and to experience again through deep states of relaxation how it feels to be "human". (We are human beings, not doings) then you can try the members area, where I provide many recorded sound meditations with different lengths and themes. There are also monthly live sessions with me, some of which are only accessible to subscribers to the members' area.

Try the members area for Sound Meditation now, if you want to dive deeper into singing bowl meditation, or if you simply don't have a singing bowl therapy nearby and therefore want to be independent of time and place. (Because the members' area is always accessible from anywhere with the internet).

Lisa Schuster